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Updated: Jun 2, 2023

Coming off of yesterday's global empowerment movement showcasing the accomplishments of women globally, the introspection can feel somewhat heavy for some of us who are in a state of transition, wanting, or loss. While empowered, we also tend to reflect on our shortcomings..., that is, extreme highs can result in extreme lows. We may ask, "Where are we in contrast to others in our life-plan and status?"

Our negative-speak lends us its hard green hand to exacerbate those feelings, and we ask: "Have I done enough? Will I ever achieve my goals? Am I heading down the right path? What do I have to do to achieve like success?"

My encouragement to that is: "Breathe" and "Stay the Course". You may also find help in affirmations, motivational literature, uplifting songs, exercising, and mindfulness meditation. Some people just have an amazing ability to pour into us energy and much needed encouragement, such that the negative-speak monster would hasten back into its deep dark hole. So, consider finding 1 kind person who can hold a mirror to you to remind you why you are special.

I am so blessed to have been surrounded by my own little tide-pool of tiny, yet powerful women who want to provide encouragement and contribute to different aspects of my dream mapping. My support team sprinkles encouragement over my projects, visions and aspirations.

It's amazing the impact of connecting and how when we take dedicated time for one another we can infuse fresh energy like a battery charge. It's like getting a supercharge of energy and validation!

I gave you readers a small encouragement earlier, but for those of us with big projects or big ideas: Examine yourself, and where there is weight, writers block, or even people who may discourage your efforts and your dreams, find quiet time to outline those dreams and really plan every detail. Research similar prototypes and seek advice from industry partners on how to do things well and execute! Strive toward optimism and happiness will often follow. Meditation helps too, and you can try online tools, video, or apps on your phone that are very encouraging and that support different creeds and needs: physical, mental, or spiritual.

Emerald Works reminded us of a quote by motivational speaker Sam Glenn, who said, "People want to feel important". They clarified his meaning in a very profound surmise, that read:

"Encouragement unlocks others' greatness. From time to time, we all need to be reminded how valuable we are, how much we have to offer, and that, if we keep doing that bit extra, we'll achieve the goal - and more. "

(Source: Emerald Works, Published 22 June 2017. Retrieved from on March 9, 2023)

My challenge to you today is to be a source of positive-speak or encouragement to someone today! Help just someone to see their full potential. If you've already done this, then "Congratulations! You are well on your way toward making positive impact through others!"

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